Git Notes
Original from Ry’s Git Tutorial
###The Basics
git init
Create a Git repository in the current folder.
git status
View the status of each file in a repository.
git add <file>
Stage a file for the next commit.
git commit
Commit the staged files with a descriptive message.
git log
View a repository’s commit history.
git config --global "<name>"
Define the author name to be used in all repositories.
git config --global <email>
Define the author email to be used in all repositories.
###Undoing Changes
git checkout <commit-id>
View a previous commit.
git tag -a <tag-name> -m "<description>"
Create an annotated tag pointing to the most recent commit.
git revert <commit-id>
Undo the specified commit by applying a new commit.
git reset --hard
Reset tracked files to match the most recent commit.
git clean -f
Remove untracked files.
git reset --hard / git clean -f
Permanently undo uncommitted changes.