
Docker Note One

images & containers

  • A container is a stripped-to-basics version of a Linux operating system.
  • An image is software you load into a container.


  • The FROM keyword tells Docker which image your image is based on.
  • Build an image from your Dockerfile
  • docker build -t docker-whale .
  • docker run docker-whale

Tag, push, and pull your image

  • docker tag 7d9495d03763 anggao/docker-whale:latest
  • docker login to log into the Docker Hub
  • docker push anggao/docker-whale

Remove images

  • docker rmi -f 7d9495d03763
  • docker rmi -f docker-whale

Pull images

  • docker pull anggao/docker-whale

install Docker using Docker Toolbox

  • Docker Machine for running the docker-machine binary

  • Docker Engine for running the docker binary

  • Docker Compose for running the docker-compose binary

  • Kitematic, the Docker GUI

  • You use docker-machine to create and attach to a virtual machine (VM).

  • In networking, localhost means your computer.

  • The Docker host is the computer(system) on which the containers run.

  • In an OS X installation, the docker daemon is running inside a Linux VM called default

  • The VM runs completely from RAM, is a small ~24MB download, and boots in approximately 5s


  • Create a new Docker VM.
  • docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
  • The command also creates a machine configuration in the ~/.docker/machine/machines/default
  • List your available machines.
    • docker-machine ls
  • Get the environment commands for your new VM.
    • docker-machine env default
  • To remove a VM
    • docker-machine rm <machine-name>

Access container ports

  • Start an NGINX container on the DOCKER_HOST
    • docker run -d -P --name web nginx
    • -d flag keeps the container running in the background
    • The -P flag publishes exposed ports from the container to your local host; this lets you access them from your Mac
  • To stop and then remove your running nginx container, do the following:
    • docker stop web
    • docker rm web

Mount a volume on the container

  • When you start a container it automatically shares your /Users/username directory with the VM.
  • You can use this share point to mount directories onto your container.
  • docker run -d -P -v $HOME/site:/usr/share/nginx/html --name mysite nginx
  • Get the mysite container’s port.
  • docker port mysite