Service Mesh01
- 围绕业务构建团队
- Conway’s Law
Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure.
- 去中心化的数据管理
Fallacies of distributed computing
- The network is reliable;
- Latency is zero;
- Bandwidth is infinite;
- The network is secure;
- Topology doesn’t change;
- There is one administrator;
- Transport cost is zero;
- The network is homogeneous.
- 服务注册与发现
- 路由,流量转移
- 弹性能力 (问题发生时熔断,超时,重试)
- 安全 (授权认证)
- 可观察性 (系统状态,资源状态等)
Service Mesh 的演进
- 控制逻辑和业务逻辑耦合
- 公共库
- 好处:解耦,消除重复
- 问题: 成本, 语言绑定, 仍有侵入
- 代理
- 问题:功能简陋
- Sidecar 模式
- Service Mesh
Service Mesh
A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for handling service-to-service communication. It’s responsible for the reliable delivery of requests through the complex topology of services that comprise a modern, cloud native application. In practice, the service mesh is typically implemented as an array of lightweight network proxies that are deployed alongside application code, without the application needing to be aware.
- Service Mesh 是 Sidecar 的网络拓扑模式
Service Mesh 的主要功能
- 流量控制
- 路由
- 蓝绿部署
- 灰度发布
- A/B 测试
- 流量转移
- 超时重试
- 熔断
- 故障注入
- 流量镜像
- 路由
- 策略
- 流量限制
- 黑白名单
- 网络安全
- 授权及身份认证
- 可观察性
- 指标收集和展示
- 日志收集
- 分布式追踪
Service Mesh 和 API Gateway 的区别
- 功能有重叠但角色不同
- Service Mesh 在应用内, API 网关在应用之上(边界)
Service Mesh 技术标准
- UDPA (Universal Data Plane API)
- SMI (Service Mesh Interface)