Ang Gao

Software Engineer @ TripAdvisor, CS Ph.D @ University College Cork

tmux basics

###tmux server -> sessions -> windows -> panes Session Management 1 2 3 4 5 6 tmux list-sessions tmux new-session -s session-name tmux detach (prefix + d) tmux a -t : x attach seccion named x tmux kill-session -t session-name tmux kill-server Windows 1 2 3 4 tmux new-window (prefix + c) create window tmux select-window -t [0-9] (prefix + [0-9]) tmux rename-window (prefix + ,) prefix+?

ssh to virtualbox guest OS

sudo apt-get install ssh make sure ssh service is working netstat -tlp you should see following line: 1 tcp 0 0 *:ssh *:* LISTEN change virtualbox network setting to: Bridged Adapter with vnic0 ifconfig make sure host OS vnic0 address is in the same net with guest OS p2p1

Markdown Notes

Markdown 语法简单介绍 表示段落只需要连续两个回车就可以了 ####各级标题 第一种是在标题前面加上 1~6 个”#“表示” <h1>~<h6>